Every year, Sail Manitoba proudly announces a series of winners for sailing excellence in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario. We extend a CONGRATULATIONS to all of our winners this year and best wishes to them in the future
2024 Awards Winners
- Honorary Member AwardLt(N) Amanda Norquay
Canadian Armed Forces - Presidents AwardMike Guezen
Gimli Yacht Club - Don Freudenberg Memorial TrophyFrancis Appelmans
Gimli Yacht Club - Rising Star TrophyFelix Driedger
Winnipeg Sailing Centre - Youth Elite AwardLiam Cox
Black Sturgeon Sailing Club - Most Improved Male Sailor of the YearMax Stachowicz
Gimli Yacht Club - Most Improved Female Sailor of the YearLola Parkinson
West Hawk Sailing Club - Susan MezarosElla Radcliffe
Royal Lake of the Woods Yacht Club - Charles FlemingQuinn Haines
Black Sturgeon Sailing Club - Sailor of the YearGavin Garabed
Pelican Yacht Club - Coach of the YearJackie Spear
Sail Manitoba High-Performance Coach
2023 Awards Winners
- Honorary Member AwardGEORGE BUSH
- Don Freudenberg Memorial TrophyMAURY LAVITT
- Rising Star TrophySAM FRIESEN
- Youth Elite AwardZOEY BOSTICK
- Most Improved Sailor of the YearQUINN HAINES
- Susan MezarosGAEL MARAMOT
- Charles FlemingGAVIN GARABED
- Instructor of the YearJOHN NICOLLS
- Sailor of the YearEVAN OWENS
2022 Awards Winners
- Honorary Member AwardSTEPHEN PELLERIN
- Don Freudenberg Memorial TrophyELLY HEIMBECKER
- Rising Star TrophyFELIX DRIEGER
- Youth Elite AwardGAVIN GARABED
- Most Improved Sailor of the YearELLA RADCLIFFE
- Susan MezarosKENDRA PENNER
- Charles FlemingGAVIN GARABED
- Instructor of the YearANTON TSYHANOK
2021 Awards Winners
- Honorary Member AwardJIM FLOOD
- Don Freudenberg Memorial TrophyGAVIN GARABED
- Rising Star TrophyMYRON HUIJGEN
- Youth Elite AwardEVAN OWEN
- Most Improved Sailor of the YearALEXANDER GLODEK
- Susan MezarosLAUREN BURNS
- Charles FlemingLINUS SCHWEIZER
- Sailor of the YearJASON VALEN
- Instructor of the YearSARA TELLES-LANGDON
2020 Awards Winners
- Honorary Member AwardBrigitte Smutny
- Rising Star TrophyCharli Mckenzie, GYC
- Most Improved SailorBen Cox
- Don Freudenberg MemorialTomas Green, VBYC
- Coach of the YearEvan Owen, FLYC
- President’s AwardPhillip & Jacquie Friesen, PYC
2019 Awards Winners
- Rising Star TrophyOakley Prusak, VBYC
- Youth Elite AwardLauren Burns, BSSC
- Most Improved SailorGavin Garabed, PLYC
- Susan Mezaros MemorialKendra Penner, FLYC
- Charles Fleming MemorialTomas Green, VBYC
- Don Freudenberg MemorialJonah Friesen, PLYC
- Sailor of the YearSteve Van Vlaenderen & Darlene Hildebrand
- Coach of the YearOlivia Thompson, VBYC
- President’s AwardMike Couture, GYC
2018 Awards Winners
- Honorary Member AwardPaul Krestanowich, WHLYC
- Rising Star TrophyElly Heimbecker, RLWYC
- Youth Elite AwardJonah Friesen, PYC
- Most Improved SailorTomas Green, VBYC
- Susan Mezaros MemorialLauren Burns, BSSC
- Charles Fleming MemorialMatthew Sauer, FYC
- Don Freudenberg MemorialAnothony Clark, PYC
- Sailor of the YearMike Couture, GYC
- President’s AwardPhil Burns, BSSC
2018 Provincial Champions
- Provincial High School ChampionsKayden Polachek & Randi Roy, Westwood Collegiate
- 10 & under Optimist Top FemaleElly Heimbecker
- 13 & under Optimist Top MaleJonah Friesen
- 15 & under Optimist Top FemaleKendra Penner
- Prairie Opti Grand Prix ChampionJonah Friesen
- Provincial Radial ChampionMatthew Sauer
- Laser District 4 ChampionMatthew Sauer
- Provincial 29er ChampionsKendra Penner & Katie Sauer
- Provincial Master ChampionSharlene Telles_Langdon
- Provincial Keelboat ChampionsJim Fogg, Dale Kilimnik, Fred Finlayson, Keith Holm